Publishing Label

The Armella Spitalier Cultural Foundation, through its specialized publishing house Cacciani, has developed 5 collections to bring children closer to the Mesoamerican world through mythological narratives that will help them develop a taste for archeology and history, thus helping to create a promising future in the study of ancient pre-Hispanic cultures.

We are a publishing house specialized in the Mesoamerican world. We publish academic books on various topics of historical interest and children's books with which we seek to bring children closer to pre-Hispanic history for their own pleasure. Our editorial collection is available online or in the main bookstores in the country: Gandhi, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Cristal, Porrua, El Sótano and Educal-Conaculta and INAH stores.

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Consulting Memberships

The Armella Spitalier Cultural Foundation makes available to those interested a physical collection specialized in Mesoamerica, the consultation of these can be done in person by filling out a form and a membership that will give access to all our literary bank.

Our editorial collection is available online or at the main bookstores in the country: Gandhi, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Cristal, Porrua, El Sótano and Educal-Conaculta and INAH stores.

Av. Central 394
Ciudad de México

T. 55 5552 7322 E.