

Temporary exhibitions

The Armella Spitalier Cultural Foundation offers the opportunity to design and mount temporary thematic exhibitions on the different Mesoamerican cultures, this, making the process of temporary loan of some of the pieces that constitute our collection. It is important to remember that all the pieces in the Armella Spitalier Cultural Foundation are duly registered under the frameworks of legality in the National Institute of Anthropology and History. Accompanying a possible loan, the Armella Spitalier Cultural Foundation can also offer loan certificates created to accompany such exhibitions and archaeological pieces.

Museographic Projects

Through the design of temporary exhibitions, the Armella Spitalier Cultural Foundation offers educational and cultural institutions the possibility of creating and managing a temporary exhibition with various themes on Mesoamerican cultures, thus seeking to bridge the gap between the general public and academia. The management, transfer and assembly of the exhibition will be supervised at all times by our team and the corresponding permits will be generated through the pertinent authorities.

In addition to a possible loan, the Armella Spitalier Cultural Foundation can also offer loan booklets created to accompany these exhibitions and archaeological pieces.

Av. Central 394
Ciudad de México

T. 55 5552 7322 E. contacto@fcas.org.mx